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Scottish American War Memorial, Edinburgh © War Memorials Trust, 2009With the end of the World War I centenary and various funding programmes, War Memorials Trust's Trustees concluded that the cost of maintaining the Learning Programme beyond the end of March 2019 is beyond the charity's resources.  As a result of this the role of Learning Officer finished along with the Learning Programme as it ran.

This does not mean the charity is ending its educational work as the Learning Programme has a legacy through the resources on this website.

Many war memorial or lesson planning enquiries can be answered quickly and easily using our primary and secondary teachers' helpsheets, so please do check these.

If you have any further queries please contact the Trust via any of the methods outlined below and a member of staff will do their best to assist.



70 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EJ



Office: 020 7834 0200 or 0300 123 0764




Our normal office telephone hours are between 10am and 4pm.  We endeavour to respond to queries as soon as possible, but please be aware this may take a little longer than usual during busy periods.

 If you wish to contact a member of the War Memorials Trust team about a non-learning issue, please visit the Contact us section of our main website.

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