Between 2011 and 2019 War Memorials Trust had two consecutive Learning Officers, Ruth Cavendar and Carlie Silvey, who were responsible for delivering the Trust's Learning Programme. This involved creating resources which could be used with young people carrying out work linked to the Trust's aims and delivering learning visits.
In 2019, War Memorials Trust's Trustees concluded that the cost of maintaining the Learning Programme was beyond the charity's resources which resulted in the Learning Officer role coming to an end at the end of March. This does not mean the charity will be ending its education work as the Learning Programme has a legacy through the website, but with limited funds difficult resources had to be made.
If you need any further information about the charity's education work please contact War Memorials Trust. Please note the charity is a small team of 5 staff so provide as much detail as possible when making an enquiry to enable us to respond. For further details on the People involved with charity visit the Trust's main website.