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Upload details of your project

This section of the website gives you the chance to share your school or youth group's war memorial project with others by uploading it to our Showcase.

Please use the fields below to tell us more about your project. All fields marked * are mandatory. The summary will be displayed when your project appears as a search result and should be a maximum of 300 characters. The full story will be displayed when your project is selected. Here you can give more details about your project: what you did, a description of the memorial involved, why you wanted to find out more about it, and what you achieved. This should be kept to approximately 750 words.

You can also upload up to three images and provide a link to a video about your project.

Please note that all content will be checked and approved by War Memorials Trust staff prior to being added to the Showcase. We will endeavour to do this as soon as possible after your project is submitted but there may be a slight delay before your project appears online. If we need to edit the content of your project for any reason we will contact you using the email address you supply on the form.

Please also refer to our Policies, Terms and Conditions and Privacy policy before submitting your project particularly in relation to the use of images.

If you have any questions about this section of the website, please contact us.

All fields marked * are mandatory.

Your details

Showcase details

300 characters maximun


To make your Showcase page look its best we suggest that you upload images with a resolution of at least 800 by 600 pixels.

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