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Why are war memorials important?

Child studying a war memorial © J Peach-Miles, 2012This lesson introduces pupils to the concept of the ongoing importance of war memorials, and encourages them to consider the role that they might have in their care. There are strong links to the National Curriculum for history and citizenship.


Aims of the lesson

During the lesson pupils will put war memorials into context by reviewing the conflicts which led to the creation of so many and considering the feelings of communities at that time.  They will then have the opportunity to examine the controversial issue of threats to war memorials from theft and vandalism. This lesson may be used in isolation if pupils have some prior knowledge of the topic, or in conjunction with other lesson plans from War Memorials Trust.



"People who have died in wars still deserve to be remembered." Josh, Year 6.


The lesson plan and other useful resources can be downloaded using the links below.

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